The weekend just gone was Attack! 2010 our local wargame group's convention.
As usual there were tons of traders, our bring and buy, competitions, demonstration games and participation games.
As a fully paid member of DDWG i couldn't take part in the 40k competition like i did last year, so this year I donned the club's "red Shirt" (one of us.... one of us....) grabbed a camera and became a roving reporter... sort of.
a demo game in the canteen

The lads tuck into some lunch after a hard morning's sell!

This game looked fun, based in the Weird War universe, various World war II tanks take on a single walker (I believe it only lost once or twice all weekend...)

The ever popular Wings Of War was being played in the canteen, this always proves to be crowd pleaser, in part because of the simple rules system and quick gameplay, but also the enthusiasm of the guys running it.

Lots of historical games were being fought over the weekend, including this absolutely huge gaming table
Day one:

This game certainly caught my eye, a skirmish game set in the wild west, trechery and gunfights were plentiful. In this picture you may notice one particularly evil character dragging a wounded opponent into the path of a stampeding wagon.

Heres a closer look :D

The 40k Competition Raged on, in this picture: a particularly nasty Double Punisher, Double Hydra, Manticore, mechanised IG list obliterates all the sisters of battle in its path.

one of our younger lad's tyranid army rampages around some open fields

towards some rather scary looking thunderwolves

Which I managed to grab a photo of later on. they are Rat-Ogre type thingies. after chatting with the owner, he said he's decided to change their colour to remove the "rat image" and make them more werewolfey, although personally I think they are inspired as is.

the game boards were 3 abreast, encouraging much chatting and a friendly atmosphere

Plenty of alcohol flowed at the competitions, many participants bought (4 pint) jugs of beer along to each game despite feeling slightly rough from the previous night out.

Another space wolf army (there were lots of them this year) takes residence in a building.

Some Alcoholic product placement!

Flames of War was a popular entry this year

The Fog Of War Competition was definately busy.

A Fantastical Skirmish demo game was heavily populated by terrain and monsters.

here's a handy PDF file detailing the winners of all the events and some more info about our club
I took the opportunity to grab some discounted GW stuff - spray paints, templates, and of course, plenty of models! (coming to a hive splinter near you!) I also grabbed some terrain from some of the other traders, which I'm planning to use at the upcoming Borlingrav game.
Cheers for dropping by!