This will be the last Tyranid related post on the Lucky 88th Blog,
you will see a link on the right hand side of the page to Hive Splinter Borlin, a secondary blog which will concentrate on all things Hive mind related.
This small splinter fleet has been wandering around unnoticed, until dragged towards the cadian gate by some unknown attraction. The already war torn planet of Borlina is the first to feel the wrath of the Tyranid invasion.
So I experimented with an orange scythe, but in the end I decided the bone coloured scythe was exactly the scheme I initially had in mind. i may darken the base end of the scythes on larger creatures, but for the smaller gaunts I'll keep it simple.
So here they are, looking gribbly.
So if you're a fan of all things scything writhing and gribby, head on over to my secondary blog in the next few days where I shall be kicking things off with a bang, or more like a subterrainean thud!
The Lucky 88th blog will return to usual programming soon (and by that I mean some IG related modelling) but this will remain my main blog, for battle reports and general 40k thoughts.
688 - Painting Chart Updates (Part 1 - WWII)
5 years ago