Ok, so i kind of dissapeared for a few months...
october was a busy month for me, what with Forza 3 being released on xbox 360, and then followed shortly by Modern Warfare 2. Then Christmas and new year happened.
So i put aside my 40k for a while, the creative juices had just stopped flowing, so i took a break.
When word of the confirmed Tyranid release schedule reached my ears, it started to get the thoughts flowing, and with the new codex being released last saturday, i got right in, a box of hormagaunts and a trygon are now in my posession, as I begin my slide into gribbly territory.
The Plan
- Make an entirely "no guns" themed Tyranid Army - Scythes, teeth and claws all the way!
- Paint it up to look really nice opposing my Lucky 88th Imperial Guard
- Experiment with some new painting techniques
- Improve my basing skills - transfer these skills over to my Lucky 88th, in effect bringing my lucky 88th onto the same bases as my new tyranids will be on.
- 2000 points standard army - 2500/3000 Apocalypse force
- Forgeworld Aplenty (Again!! - poor wallet)
The Army
- Hive Tyrant: Wings, 2x Scything Talons.
- Hive Tyrant: Thorax Swarm, 2x Scything Talons
- Hormagaunts (20)
- Hormagaunts (20)
- Hormagaunts (20)
- Ripper Swarm (3)
- Ripper Swarm (3)
- Genestealers (8)
Fast Attack:
- Raveners
- Flying Rippers
- "Scythed Gargoyles" (an upcoming conversion project)
Heavy Support:
- Trygon
- Trygon Prime
- 2x Carnifex: 2x Scything Talons
Apocalypse Extras
- Malanthrope
- Scythed Hierodule
- More gribblies
Thats the Rough plan for this army anywho (£450 odd). the lack of guns makes this a one trick pony force, but it does mean i will have no distractions. its just run and eat, i don't have to worry about standing around and line of sight, i should be on the enemy by turn 2, with all the fast moving, and hopefully i will have enough units to bear the brunt of a single enemy shooting phase...
The trygons also add a new twist, by being able to deep strike into enemy lines, And bring on further forces from the same point, my general idea was to simply pop the trygons from the ground, then follow them up with ripper swarms and other gribblies.
The interesting parts will come in at smaller game sizes, i have no idea what a 500point tyranid army will look like, or how it will function (you need at least 2 Synapse creatures to allow you to coordinate your forces, otherwise the enemy simply targets the synapse creature and bam, your army is useless) And whether this force will even be competitive at 1000 points. we will see.
Until next time - i'll hopefully have some pictures up by then.
Cheers, TSINI